Finding Food Locally

With the increase in awareness and desire for more sustainable, better quality food comes the rise of new resources that help us find that food. One of the resources leading the way for locating and connecting with farmers and farmers across the country is LocalHarvest.

LocalHarvest is an excellent website that allows you to connect with farms from all over America. In addition to its farm directory listings it also serves as a platform for ordering local and national food.

It's nice getting to know Guillermo Payet, the website's founder, who fully backs and believes in the site's cause. Guillermo has a genuine love for food which is highlighted in the way he reminisces about the flavors from his home country of Peru.

In the video, he touches on his disappointment with American supermarkets and how most of the food is bland and flavorless. It's unfortunate that so many people associate American cuisine with Subway, Burger King and McDonalds when there is so much better quality food out there waiting to be found. From the exterior of America, it may seem like overblown supermarkets and fastfood chains reign supreme but with a little help from websites like LocalHarvest people have begun to understand the rich culture and heritage of many American meals. Guillermo started LocalHarvest out of the necessity to have flavorful foods and local farms listed in one place and the site has blossomed into a hub for people to reconnect with meal time.

LocalHarvest encourages and promotes a sense of community. Whenever available, the website lists the individuals running the farms helping to put a name to those providing the food. Not only can changing the way we see food help our health for the better, it can change the way we view the world as well. 

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